HOME お知らせ We have updated the certification of “Privacy Mark”

We have updated the certification of “Privacy Mark”

GSI Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Company”) has updated the “privacy mark” certification from Japan Information Economic and Social Promotion Association (JIPDEC) on June 4, 2015.


- What is privacy mark system -
Approve companies that have established a system to take appropriate protective measures for personal information in conformity with the Japanese Industrial Standard “JIS Q 15001 Personal Information Protection Management System – Requirements” and grant the use of the privacy mark It is a system.

Registration number No. 26000112 (02)
Validity period June 4, 2015 – June 3, 2017

We will continue to review, implement and improve our protection system and strive to properly handle and protect personal information.

■Contact Information
GSI Co., Ltd. General Affairs Consultation Service 〒 060-0807 Kita-ku Kita-ku, Kita-ku, Saito 1 – chome 1 – 2 SE SE Sapporo Building 13 F Telephone: 011-726-7771 Weekday 10: 00-12: 00, 13: 00-16: 00 (except for our holiday)

【Related Links】 Privacy policy Guide concerning disclosure etc. of personal information Types of personal information and purpose of use